Shorter rehab time!
If you start earlier, you finish sooner…
The possibility of restraining patients according to their motor skills completely eliminates the risk of falling!
Various fixation options:
- Different saddles (hip stability)
- Hip belt (massive torso stabilization)
- Chest strap (fall and tilt prevention)
- Chest seat belt (use without seat bar)
This means that even those with severe motor impairments benefit!
For patients with partial weight-bearing, training therapy measures in the vertical position can be implemented much earlier.
The patient’s subjective feeling of safety improves considerably, making it easier for them to engage with the therapy.
If necessary, Standing Ovation enables early mobilization measures even without a therapy pool.
The therapist is relieved and can devote 100% of his or her time to the exercises.
(all load restrictions of the UXT, amputations, polytrauma, neurological restrictions such as strokes, craniocerebral trauma up to incomplete paraplegia…)
Reference clinics that already use Standing Ovation in therapy / rehab:
Medical University of ViennaAUVA RH HäringBG Accident Clinic Murnau (D)